The Westernised idea of happiness suggests that it is a goal to be chased relentlessly, an ultimate state of being that, once achieved, will bring enduring contentment.
Some live their lives by the 'rule' that happiness WILL bring long-lasting, enduring contentment... But is this really the case?

I invite you to ask... Am I Happy Yet?
That may be a difficult question to answer. Especially when we think about really picking the question apart prior to answering.
Am I Happy Yet? - the yet part can signify a particular 'aim' or end-goal of becoming happy - as if happiness is our destination, and once reached we can sit within the bounds of happiness forever more... I know my thoughts on this, I am curious to hear the thoughts of others?
Am I Happy Yet? - in fact the happy part is pretty hard to fathom in itself - what on earth IS happiness? And why is it so 'hard to achieve'? I do not have any answers, but I certainly have engaged in some ponderings - the current conclusions of such, I would love to share with you...
Happiness is not a long-lasting goal which we must strive to achieve. No. Happiness is found in the fleeting moments or mere seconds of joy. The diamonds in the rough.
Therefore chasing something which is fundamentally unattainable will surely lead to feelings of sadness, failure, shame - amongst others. Especially while comparing ones 'LEVEL OF HAPPINESS' to another's on social media or the like... By following the Westernised idea of chasing happiness, we are engaging in counter-productive activities.
Embrace the fleeting moments. These ephemeral glimmers of joy are what truly define happiness.
Happiness can also be stretched to the acknowledgment and gratitude felt when reminiscing on such moments or seconds. When we reflect on these brief instances of joy, we often realise their significance and cherish them even more.
Embrace the fleeting moments. This process of gratitude transforms these moments into something far more profound.
THIS is happiness.
THIS is what we must strive towards.
We could even go as far as suggesting that THIS is the meaning of life. Instead of chasing an elusive, constant state of happiness, we would do well to focus on recognising and appreciating the small, fleeting moments of joy that life offers. These moments, no matter how brief, are the true essence of happiness.
In a society that often emphasises the pursuit of long-term happiness, it's important to shift our perspective. By embracing the transient nature of joy and finding gratitude in the memories of these moments, we can cultivate a more fulfilling and meaningful life.
Embrace the fleeting moments. Happiness is not a destination, but a series of beautiful, fleeting experiences that enrich our lives.
At Chambers of Change we are here to support you towards embracing the fleeting moments of sadness, anger, and anxiety, as well as celebrating the fleeting moments of joy.
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