This page is set up to provide further support and further reading should you wish.

We have included signpost information/details to other organisations which may be able to provide you with different support.

We also include a blog link to written ponderings from our founder and Lead Therapist -these are updated regularly, so do check back.

Furthermore, if there is a specific topic you would like to learn more about, regarding Mental Health, Psychology or general well-being, please contact us to request this information - we believe in the power of Psychoeducation, and we would love to spread this movement as widely as possible! 

Organisation (& service provided) Contact Details
Childline 0800 11 11 (free helpline);
NSPCC 0808 800 5000; Email:
SAASS 01296 392 468 (Buckinghamshire); 01908 201971 (Milton Keynes)
Mind 0300 123 33 93;
Samaritans 116 123;
Alcoholics Anonymous 0800 917 76 50;
Narcotics Anonymous 0300 999 12 12;
Rape Crisis National 0808 802 99 99;
Papyrus Young Suicide Prevention 0800 068 41 41;
Galop: LGBTQIA+ victims and survivors of abuse and violence 0800 999 5428;
Refuge: National Domestic Abuse and Violence Helpline 0808 2000 247;

Are You Happy Yet?

The Westernised idea of happiness suggests that it is a goal to be chased relentlessly, an ultimate state of being that, once achieved, will bring enduring contentment.

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Manual Please?

For a moment, take a step-back and imagine if life and parenthood came with an instruction manual, a handy guide that would unravel the mysteries of what choices to make, when to act, how to navigate the twists and turns of our own existence, living alongside societal judgements and expectations, not to mention the minefield of navigation through relationships with strangers, let alone our own loved ones! 

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