Body-to-mind Movement and Activity-based therapies are unique approaches which can be beneficial for various needs and can be experienced in various ways.


At Chambers of Change we utilise somatic techniques to inform our body-to-mind connective movement therapy sessions. These are not strenuous sessions, in fact they are often described as calming and restorative. Helping us to realign and focus on the connection between our body and mind. Grounding ourselves, we can practice techniques which aid towards 'tuning back in', listening to our bodies, and releasing stored emotions. You may be surprised to learn and explore what your body has been holding onto on your behalf - after all, our body is often the key-holder to many repressed emotions. 


Our activity-based / free-spirit movement therapy sessions, are often, understandably confused with our 'body-to-mind connective movement therapy'. However, these can look quite different, our activity based / free spirit sessions can help younger people (or free-spirits of any age), to discuss uncomfortable topics, without the constraints of a chair within a room; Without feeling like your/their soul is being 'stared into' by some 'all-knowing' stranger; Without feeling anxious, judged, or restless. We can play games - inside or out, we can build, create, dance and/or sing - the limits are endless. To find out more about our 'activity-based therapy' scroll down to the 'free-spirit movement therapy' section on this page, or alternatively, please visit our Talking Therapy page.

Low-impact Movement Therapy

Involves personalised sessions that explore mindful stretching and/or seated movement patterns to uncover and release emotional blockages. With the option to utilise visualisations to gain movement within the mind's imagination.

Experience the liberating effects of movement therapy on emotional well-being.

  • Personalised approach
  • Emotional release
  • Body-mind connection
  • Mindfulness integration
  • Self-awareness promotion
  • Emotional expression

Free-spirit / Activity-based Movement Therapy

Free-spirit/ Activity-based movement therapy can be utilised by any ages but is most popular with our younger people. Our free-spirit movement therapy service is designed specifically for those who do not want to 'sit and talk about their feelings'. Whether indoors or out, this style of therapy is more informal and enhances communication and understanding organically.

Enhance the desire to communicate through movement-based techniques.

  • Adaptable approach - various activities
  • Communication enhancement
  • Higher levels of engagement

“[Soph's activity-based therapy sessions] ...when we played football together, helped me to talk more to my mum. I felt more understood because Soph did activities with me which helped in a way that I don't think talking could...”

12 year old Elwood